DAVID’s Story

Thrive’s founder David Gumbleton, with his father John

Four years ago, my 83-year-old father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Doctors offered medication to manage his symptoms, but there was nothing available to treat the condition. My charismatic father was disappearing, and I was compelled to find a more effective solution to help him.  

I read about the positive effects that hyperbaric oxygen therapy was having on people with Alzheimer’s and I found a local hyperbaric chamber near his home. After the very first session I noticed an obvious improvement in him.  Regular hyperbaric sessions continued to benefit him, so I installed a chamber in his home. As a result, the progression of the disease slowed dramatically, and he continues to enjoy a good quality of life. 

I was surprised by how many conditions benefited from hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The treatment works by allowing your body to repair itself - with amazing results. My father’s improvement led to me creating a facility in Bath so others could experience the positive healing benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.